Pavement Coring Notice to Public July 2020As part of the on-going design and development of the York Street Interchange scheme DFI have planned to carry out some pavement testing beginning on 26th July. Find attached a notice that DFI is currently distributing in the area.


Our reason for writing to you

We are writing to inform you of road pavement investigation works to be carried out in your area beginning on 26 July 2020. The purpose of this work is to establish the make-up and structural integrity of the road pavement to aid in the design of future resurfacing and road improvement schemes.

The work will require us to drill cores through the existing road surface and carry out tests on the carriageway. The works have been planned to ensure that any disruption which you will experience is minimal. Each core will take up to 30 minutes to complete and there will be some associated noise when the hydraulic drill is operating. The core holes will then be filled.

The work will be carried out on short sections of the Westlink, the M2 motorway and  the following local streets:

  • North Queen Street
  • Great Georges Street
  • York Street
  • Brougham Street
  • Frederick Street
  • Little Patrick Street
  • Nelson Street
  • Dock Street
  • Garmoyle

Most of the work will be carried out overnight between 9pm and 6am to minimise traffic disruption. The cores on North Queen Street and Great Georges Street will be undertaken on a Sunday morning to minimise any noise disturbance. All traffic movements will be accommodated with traffic management and any localised traffic delay or disruption will be minimal.

Who to contact?

If you have any specific queries or concerns about this survey work please do not hesitate to contact our local AECOM representative.

Contact Name:          Gerald McGrillen, AECOM

Phone Numbers: (028) 9060 7200

07825 708 940

Email address: