Can you WOW the community with some magic?

As part of the Communities in Transition (CIT) Health & Wellbeing programme, Ashton Community Trust, in partnership with Lighthouse and YeHa are delighted to host a virtual Community Celebration Event.

We are looking for some great talent from within the community to participate.

Do you have a talent that would be great to share?

All we are asking is that you upload a short 1-2 min video of you performing your talent and send to:

Whatsapp: 07843619441


There is a £20 incentive for interesting videos we receive, so get filming!

Categories Include:

  • Song / Music
  • Poetry/Storytelling
  • Performing arts

Perform a Dance Medley – Get with your friends and decide who has the best moves for different styles and songs. Then create several twenty to thirty second choreographed segments.

Sing or Play an Instrument – Choose a song or instrumental piece suited to your skill level. An easier tune sung or played with perfection is more impressive than a difficult piece you struggle to complete. Even if you have never performed before, if you really want a chance to show what you can do, go for it! Practice and then record yourself.

Physical Talent – Can you show the community some karate moves? Yoga skills or maybe football skills?

Circus Skills – Anyone an aspiring juggler or experienced in other fun circus skills that you could share? #communitycelebration #nbnorthbelfast #songmusic #poetry #storytelling #performingarts #dance #circusskills