We would like to share with you a resource for Community Development, we hope you find it useful and can share it with any groups you think would find it useful.
Through the Communities in Transition (CIT) funding our programme staff and participants worked closely with Community Places to co-produce the development of a Community Capacity Building Toolkit. The toolkit content reflects on the programme learning with specific references on how to build local capacity and what is required to promote the development of shared, resilient and lawful communities.
The toolkit also sourced best practice and from other institutional contexts to demonstrate how concepts such as lawfulness could be promoted and instilled across CIT areas.
The Toolkit can be downloaded here: https://www.ashtoncentre.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Toolkit-for-Commnuity-Development-2021-Online.pdf
We also have a small amount of hard copies available in the McSweeney Centre and Ashton Centre.