Bridge of Hope is delighted to welcome on board two new Health and Wellbeing Caseworkers who will work directly with victims and survivors to help improve health and wellbeing. Jim and Marissa’s roles have been made possible with Peace IV funding secured through the Victims & Survivors Service. A key aspect of the Caseworkers role is to facilitate clients’ engagement with statutory, community and voluntary organisations and sensitively communicate needs and requirements.
The Health & Wellbeing Caseworkers advocate on behalf of, and if necessary, accompany individuals to services/appointments/activities where low confidence and low motivation may have left them isolated and marginalised.
They will be the first point of contact for enquiries, liaising with agencies ensuring that complex and sensitive information is communicated with empathy and reassurance.
This PEACE IV support service operates in a highly confidential environment and places victims/survivors emotional and physical wellbeing to the forefront.
The staff will work to identify any barriers individuals may experience when seeking support and they will work with relevant agencies to ensure good access.
The role is carried out in a number of ways including home visits where people may be housebound due to health issues. This service aims to be person and needs-centred and focuses on increasing the quality of health and wellbeing in the sector for victims and survivors and their families.
If you would like to get in touch with Jim or Marissa phone the McSweeney Centre in Henry Place on 0289032 2289 or email and