Fablab – Digital MakersFablab Flier
Are you interested in art, craft, making?
Want to try something new?
We’d like to invite you to our Lunchtime Chats to show
you the Digital Makers project..
Digital Makers is an exciting opportunity for
anyone aged 50+ to learn more about making art using
computers and machines in FabLab Belfast.
FabLab is a place where you make almost anything…
From small 3D printed sculptures to large pieces of furniture.
We are running free workshops where
our friendly staff will be on hand to teach you how
to use the software to make awesome art, and
have some fun as we do so..
Absolutely no previous experience required.
We’d like to invite you to our Lunchtime Chats to show
you the Digital Makers project..
25th April – 12-1pm
26th April – 12-1pm
2nd May – 12-1pm
Lunch will be provided for FREE
To find out more, email
or call 02890 755 412
Facebook Digital Makers NI
Twitter @Digitalmakersni