
Funded CSR course through Belfast Works Project

Belfast works is currently running several CSR (Construction Skills Register) courses for clients in the greater Belfast area. This qualification is mandatory for any individual wishing to work on a construction site and with the sector emerging positively from lockdown, it is proving a very popular course to undertake. The qualification is run by our established and reputable training provider in Belfast.

The aims of the CSR qualification is to raise awareness and understanding in standards relating to Health and safety and provide the necessary skills and experience required to work in the construction sector. The course covers topics such as Health and safety Legislation, Safe use of site vehicles, PPE and electrical safety at work. There are over 200 funded places on offer and there are number of the day workshops still available. So if you are or anyone you know are interested, get in contact with the Belfast Works Project at The Ashton Centre and an Employment Mentor will be assigned to you to get you signed up and eligible for the CSR course.

childcare1Belfast Works – Project Training Update

The training service in Belfast works continues to run training through our on line delivery platform, which is easy to access and use. It will give you the opportunity to complete a level I accredited qualification, please visit our website for a full list of courses available.

Please contact Belfast works via the Facebook page or contact details provided and have your mentor tell you all about the many training courses available and delivered by our friendly, experienced and qualified training providers. Your mentor can help get you into our online classrooms to develop your opportunities to gain or move towards your employment goals.

