Work commenced on the 21st of November on a new extension to the McSweeney Centre in Henry Place which is run by Ashton. The extension will be built along the street frontage of Henry Place and will be of a similar scale and length as the existing centre.
The new work will refurbish the existing entrance area to make a staffed reception that will allow people to call into the building more easily to access support services. The building will also include a new Kinder Kids Childcare and After School Centre. This will provide places for around 70 children and create twenty new childcare jobs.
Construction Phase
Henry Place will remain open throughout the building phase which will last around 15 months. However at times the contractors will restrict parking near the site entrance gate which is roughly opposite the cemetery gate, this is so that large deliveries can be accommodated. The site is large and we hope that most contractors vans etc can be parked inside the site. The contractor will endeavour to keep deliveries outside the peak times, for example when parents are dropping off children to Kinder Kids. It is hoped that construction noise will kept to a minimum since the building uses bored piles which are less disruptive to install.
As many residents know, much of the parking on Henry Place during the day is by commuters going into the city. Ashton have been placing an information notice about the building works on cars and this is mainly to inform out of town commuters to discourage them from using Henry Place as free parking to access the city centre. In six months time there will be some temporary work to the pavements near the building.
The new building is being funded by the Social Investment Fund (SIF) run by the Executive Office (previously OFMDFM). The contract includes social clauses and we will work to ensure community benefits in employment and training opportunities.
New Jobs and Services
The new centre when complete will improve the setting of Henry Place and essentially finish the development of the street. There will be new parking to the rear and users will be able to drive through the existing centre parking and reconnect to a new exit, thus reducing the congestion at the corner and current turning area. There will also be a new ground floor shop front unit and it is anticipated the Bridge of Hope project will return along with other community services and uses. It is hoped that the new centre and landscaped area at the end will make the street safer to use, brighter and more reassuring to walk along, especially at night. Paul Roberts Ashton CEO said, “This new development marks a further progression in our ongoing efforts to regenerate the area. When complete the new building will create new jobs and house a number of important projects that will increase the level of service provision for local communities”.
Public Information
On Thursday night 17th of November there was a public information meeting in the McSweeney Centre, to answer questions from residents. Ashton will host another similar meeting in the near future to provide people with a further opportunity to view and talk through the plans. If you have any queries or concerns please contact Louise Hunter at the main Ashton Centre 02890 74 22 55.